All bats must be tested and approved prior to use for ALL Gas City Slow Pitch Events. Any use of unapproved bats at Gas City Slow Pitch Events will result in:
If a bat is found in play (player using in game, in bat caddie, anywhere visual) without the sticker, the player is out, the inning is over for the batting team and 7 runs are removed from that team. If the team didn’t have 7 run prior to infraction, they will start back at zero!! Please report any incidents to the league, and the discipline committee will investigate.
Bat Testing will be provided at the start of the season, see scheudle below. All testing will be held at the Moose Diamonds. For any bat testing needed past these scheduled dates, please contact your division rep (See Board of Directors for division rep).
**Team balls, scorebooks, and updated rule book will be available for pick up as well.